I was up at 4am this morning so decided to take a walk. It took about 15mins to get to the Dansoman last stop station which doubles at night as residence for trotro drivers and mates.
I was walking between 2 parked trotros when a door swang open and in the door way was a youth, about 23 years old, who exclaimed, “Awurade ade3akyen biom” ,to wit, Oh God, it’s morning again”.
This was not the usual joy of the living to have seen another day but an expression of frustration and despair with the plethora of challenges and hustle to face all over again.
Listen…The total liberation and emancipation of our people can no longer be delayed nor postponed. Every hour and new day under oppression robs our people of their joy, their souls and it ENDS now!
We must rid our nation completely of all remnants of neocolonialism and neocolonialists in order to reconstruct our nation.
A new nation where the welfare of the individual in freedom with responsibility and Justice shall be the Supreme law. A new nation where no social class shall live off the exploitation of another; where every man and woman can develop their personalities to the best of their abilities with no discrimination.

By: Fighter Nii Aryee Opare Bey

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