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  • Posted: November 11, 2022
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The Students’ Command of the Economic Fighters League has noted in the media yet another discriminatory, unethical, and alien directive by the Director of Legal Education at The General Legal Council (GLC), Mr. Yaw D. Oppong. It is our understanding that the GLC is ordering all qualified students of law to submit their social media …

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  • Posted: October 24, 2022
  • 1

The Economic Fighters League necessarily condemns the use of state organ BNI (NIB) for the interest of corrupt politicians. BNI was sleeping when our daughters were going missing in Takoradi. BNI was sleeping when our brother Ahmed Suale was killed following dangerous statements made by the corrupt Kennedy Agyapong. BNI was sleeping when corrupt former …

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  • Posted: September 08, 2022
  • 1

Yet again we must condemn a wave of violent Afrophobia in South Africa. It has come to the attention of the Economic Fighters League that afrophobic sentiments have yet again come to the surface in South Africa, taking the form of violence and indignity organised under anti-African movement OperationDudula. This latest wave follows the irresponsible …

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Kaaka, Yussif and Murtala are Martyrs of Democracy: A year now, Justice still Denied

  • Posted: June 28, 2022
  • 2

It has been a year of mourning without any attempt for an independent investigation into the murder of Mohammed Ibrahim Kaaka as well as the state-funded murder of Nasiru Yussif and Murtala Mohammed, including several Ejura youth maimed in the process. Prosecution of the murderers is still pending and appropriate remedy to the family has …

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Why Ghanaians Are Asking For A New Constitution

  • Posted: February 18, 2022
  • 4170

For years now, the Economic Fighters League has campaigned for a New Constitution for the Republic of Ghana. It has been clear to us for some time that unless we go to the roots of our problems, we will keep window dressing them without solutions. We have reached a point where it has become urgent …

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The Path to a New Constitution

  • Posted: February 11, 2022
  • 1

Since the inception of the Economic Fighters League, we have consistently championed the need for a new constitution for the Republic of Ghana. This is because we have long been convinced that inasmuch as the problems of the country are varied and multi-faceted, the single most important piece of the puzzle, the one thing that …

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