It has been a year of mourning without any attempt for an independent investigation into the murder of Mohammed Ibrahim Kaaka as well as the state-funded murder of Nasiru Yussif and Murtala Mohammed, including several Ejura youth maimed in the process. Prosecution of the murderers is still pending and appropriate remedy to the family has been denied. We commemorate this day not as a celebration but in honor of these martyrs for democracy.
On the night of 4th February 2022, it was brought to the attention of the Economic Fighters League that monetary compensation had been arranged for the families of those murdered in Ejura in June 2021, in the aftermath of the murder of Fighter Mohammed Ibrahim Kaaka without prosecution of any culprit in the murder.
We warned that this step was extrajudicial and could jeopardize due process to administer justice in court as seen in murders of Zongo seven among many in the past.
It is obvious the state acts as a facilitator of injustice; it has killed a man, trivialised and dismissed the nature of the events that led to his murder, remanded his brother on false charges and continues to deny administration of justice in the murder of Kaaka.
Fighters has remained in constant contact with the Kaaka family since our initial visit to Ejura in July 2021 when we delivered the GHS 11,000 (mobilised with the support of the public) for all the affected families.
The decision of the state not to investigate and prosecute the murders of Kaaka is unlawful and unethical.
It must be stated that monetary compensation especially from Government administration is extrajudicial and gross disregard for due process, and above all cannot be taken to be a substitute for the administration of justice for Kaaka, Murtala, Nasiru and Awal; nor can it be taken to be a substitute or payment for the freedom of the state actors who perpetrated the dastardly acts.
Fighter Kaaka demanded better for Ghana, and gave his life for it. His family is now being punished for it.
Fighters and for that matter all Ghanaian youth cannot and must not rest until #JusticeForKaaka is achieved and the state actors responsible for this atrocity are brought to book.
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